For Doctors

Achieve Better Health Outcomes

Provide clinical guidance, education, and accountability for your patients beyond your clinic.

THE PROBLEM is widespread

There's not enough  time to guide & support patients

80% of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes are preventable through lifestyle modification. Patient education and support is lacking or non-existent.

15 min per not enough to change patient behavior. Patients have questions, need personalized advice, and require high-touch guidance to stay accountable.

14 hours a needed to provide all the preventive care advice that guidelines recommend. Doctors don’t have the time in the day to provide the standard of care.

Generic advice doesn't work

Effective behavior change requires a multifaceted approach delivered by a team of experts

WE do the extra work

Get time back to do more, achieve better results, and grow your practice.

We Help Provide More Care

Guidance & Support
Address Multiple Risk Factors
Accessible Expert Care 24/7
Behavioral therapy techniques to help your patients succeed

We take the time to understand the unique challenges your patients face, answering their questions, and holding them accountable as they embark on their behavior change journey. We provide personal support and education, and ensure they stay on the path to progress.

Help your patients achieve goals you set for them

We guide your patients to modify the behavior that puts their health at risk. Our care team considers the whole patient and all co-morbidities in our treatment plans.

Availability and expertise for your patients anytime

Patients can access our team and educational content
anytime and we provide continuous lifestyle care for them between visits. Our mobile app gives them a summarized view of their progress using the latest technology, including AI, as appropriate.

reducing risk factors for disease



Kidney Disease





High Cholesterol

Low Testosterone

Sleep Disorders

Heart Disease


Med Adherence

Results That Last

"My patients have had incredible results and have been so happy we added this to our practice. One patient has been with me for 30 years. With Mederva he lost 29 pounds in less than 3 months, and for the first time we were able to lower his cholesterol and blood pressure medications." – Dr. S (NY)

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Supercharge your medical care, today.

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